Welcome to the Wiltshire Region of the Jaguar Enthusiasts' Club
You are invited to come along and join us at any of our monthly meetings regardless of the age or model of Jaguar you own. Indeed if you haven't yet got a Jaguar car but are enthusiastic about the Make, you will be very welcome to join us. Whatever you want to talk about, a problem with your car or guidance on a potential purchase, or nothing to do with cars, your local regions club night is the place to be. Wives/partners are very welcome as we don't talk just about cars.
The region organises various events such as local car displays, visits to places of interest e.g. National Trust properties as well as holding quiz evenings. Our membership fee includes a monthly newsletter contains details of forthcoming regional activities, and interesting features. There are regular emails sent to Members keeping them up to date with event application and attendance.
The Club meets on the second Thursday of each Month, at various venues through out the summer and at one selected venue during the winter. Please check our events page on the Club website.
About the region
Our objective is to provide you with the opportunity to meet other friendly people with an interest in Jaguar, Daimler & SS cars
The Wiltshire Region welcomes you to join them for meetings, trips, local activities and monthly social gatherings. Everyone is welcome to join us and take part in what we have to offer and make the most of owning your Jaguar in your area.
Next Event
Wiltshire Region Club Night at The Milk Churn, Commerce Way, Melksham, SN12 6AD
Contact Wiltshire
The Wiltshire Region welcomes you to join them for meetings, trips, local activities and monthly social gatherings. Everyone is welcome to join us and take part in what we have to offer and make the most of owning your Jaguar in your area.
Contact this region