As everyone arrived at the track we were all hopeful that the forecast was correct and that the day would dry out quickly. Early runners on track soon discovered that it was still a bit slippy from the days previous rain. Swallows Jaguar turned out in force with three ex-Palmer Sports XK's as well as their stunning XJR which has been enjoying its season in JEC Racing this year. The Palmer Sport XK's were available for passenger rides all the proceeds being donated to the Club's charity for 2017, The Prince Phillip Trust Fund.

It was not all about Jaguars though with people brings a good variety of cars including two Ford Mustangs, two Lotus, a Mini, Mercedes to name a few.
This was an event all about the people though and this was rewarded with a great atmosphere all day. Terry Dye was always busy making sure all was good and even took the time to visit as many tables at lunch time as possible asking if everyone was enjoying themselves. Thanks Terry.
On hand throughout the day to assist and provide tuition was Ray Ingman, assisted by Derek Pearce, James Ramm, Adam Powderham & Philip Comer. These are experienced JEC racers who gave their time to ensure our members had a great and safe experience. So thank you guys, really appreciated your time and support.

"Power Laps" were introduced to the format which were 15 minutes sessions for 12 cars. These could be purchased as a whole day package, or individual 15 minutes blocks. This proved popular with many extra sessions purchased throughout the day. From those we spoke to on the day it also helped encourage many people to attend who may not of before, with one or two sessions allowing them to try it out before deciding whether they like the experience or not.

Our next track day is expected to be 28th February 2018 at Brands Hatch (TBC) so keep an eye out for confirmation of this date and this page for more photo's of this track day.
Just a quick thank you to you and your team for putting on a great day. As a first timer I really enjoyed the experience and was able to enjoy it to the full because of the excellent service given by all throughout the event. Steven Malpass