The East Sussex Regional Day at Raystede

The East Sussex Regional Day was held on Sunday 10th July at the Raystede Centre for Animal Welfare. 38 cars attended the event, including a contingent from West Sussex.

The East Sussex Regional Day was held on Sunday 10th July at the Raystede Centre for Animal Welfare. 38 cars attended the event, including a contingent from West Sussex.

We were treated to some fine weather for the whole day. One of our sponsors, Just Historics brought along their race support vehicle and Sydney Allard’s own J2 1951 works car.

Most people brought along picnics but food was available from the Raystede café and most people attending spent time looking at the various animals that are looked after by Raystede.

We were also entertained by the gliding club operating from the field opposite.

A big thank you to everyone who turned up and for helping to raise funds for the Animal welfare center. A special thanks to Just Historics for attending and to Gary, Christine, Roy, Rob, and Mike for organising the event on the day.

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