Spring Break

Initially 9 couples from Grampian were to spend 3 days / 2 nights at the Wyndham Duchally Country Estate near Gleneagles in Perthshire for our 2024 Spring Break, over the 12th to 14th of May. Unfortunately, just before we were to set off, one of the partners became ill, she thinks with a bug caught during a holiday trip to Portugal. As it was, we had 8 cars take part and everyone had a great time. Setting off from our favourite coffee haunt, the Raemoir Garden Centre, we made our way over the Ski Roads in bright sunshine to the Black Watch Museum and Café in Perth, for a light lunch. At one point, the lead car drove over what looked like a black bin bag and when it did not reappear in the rearview mirror, an emergency stop was required to remove a rather large denim jacket from underneath the XKR. As well as enjoying a light lunch, the Museum allowed three cars to come to the front of the castle to have a photo before we set off on the last leg to Duchally. On arrival, we enjoyed a brief catch-up over coffee and pastries, before changing for dinner, then enjoying the folk singer in the bar afterwards. The next day, everyone took the opportunity to visit the local attractions of Perthshire and surrounding area, before returning home on Tuesday – the only damp day of the whole trip. Next up is our Annual Gathering at Drum on Sunday the 28th of July, see you there.