News from Staffordshire North Region

At our March club night, we held the usual raffle, there were 7 prizes donated by members, thanks go to them and also Sue Lewis for selling the tickets, £58 was raised from the raffle towards region funds. The show season has already started and we have attended several so far in April, the first was at the Foxfield Railway (see picture), it was a sunny day and the members who attended had a great time. Also, in April we welcomed our region Ambassador, Keith Hurlock, (Keith is also Chairman of the North Wales region) to keep us up to date on what is happening within the North West area. Some of the events for us going forward are Sunday 28th May at Capesthorne Hall - this is the NW regions Day and Saturday 3rd June Tatton Park Classic Car spectacular, You do have to book tickets in advance for these and most of the shows/events we attend so it is important you come and join us at Moorville Hall for event news and to get your name on the show lists, for some shows we need to book months in advance (currently our show list runs up to November!) One event date not yet fixed is our own show at Moorville Hall; at this event we have various trophies for presentation such as best Jaguar/Daimler, plus 1st, 2nd places and an award for the best visitor.

Staffordshire North Region At Foxfield