News from Staffordshire North Region

The first region meeting in January, which was held at our new venue the Potters Bar in Meir Park was well attended and is a much-improved place to meet (with a good car park – you will understand this comment if you ever attended Moorville Hall!) Don’t forget our regional meetings are now held on the third Tuesday of every month. It is March already and our events list is progressing nicely, the first shows we are attending are at Foxfield railway (book early for a breakfast!) and Weston Park, if you would like to join us at any of the shows, either local ones or the larger national ones, let me know or come to any of the region meetings (Tuesday 18th March is the next one) at the Potters Bar in Meir Park where a list of the shows can be obtained. At the March meeting we will be joined by our regional Ambassador, Keith Hurlock, who will fill us in with the North Western JEC group activities planned for this Summer. Don’t forget most, if not all the events we attend need you to book (sometimes several months in advance) all the details will be supplied at region meetings and online on our webpages. I will report the details of what happened at our regional AGM, held in February, and which of our members was presented with the “Member of the Year” award for 2024 in the April magazine write-up.