News from Staffordshire North Region

I wish members of the region a very Merry Christmas and prosperous, healthy New Year on behalf of the Staffordshire North region committee. The last show we attended this year was Foxfield railway, event planning is under way for next year so watch this space for news. The region 2023 calendar will be available at our meeting in December, I will let you know nearer the time by email, there are some great photos of members cars again this year. The Staffordshire North Region New Year Dinner-Dance is on Saturday January 6th 2024, at 7:00 for 7:30pm, the menu is available on the club web page, it’s possible there may be a couple of spaces available and there may be some rooms available at Moorville Hall hotel if you are quick but you will need to contact Brian Pye as soon as possible, if you have booked a place, we welcome ready wrapped gifts for the Midlands Air Ambulance appeal charity raffle. Join us on the third Wednesday of every month at Moorville Hall hotel, Cellarhead starting at 8:00pm for region meetings. We also have Facebook and WattsApp pages you can visit for information.