News from North Staffordshire Region

Things seem to be looking up with the slow relaxation of the Covid restrictions, more car shows are popping up into place with dates getting ‘firmed up’. We decided after our first club night meeting on Zoom to continue holding this type of meeting on the third Tuesday night of the month (our usual club night) at 8.00 until such time as we can meet in person, if you would like a link to the meetings please contact me. The meeting went well in March with 22 members involved, we were treated to an illustrated talk by Cheshire region Chairman David Limb and our region ambassador Paul Rogers (also a Cheshire region member) about their Scottish 500 trip. We are not sure yet if our physical meetings will be at the Bleeding Wolf or the North Stafford hotel, I will advise you by email, here in these reports and on the Facebook group page as soon as we do know.