News from North Staffordshire Region

In May our region achieved its 30 year anniversary, members were issued with a commemorative region badge and we now have two new banners for the car shows (pictured here with members on the night). Also pictured are some of the cars on the night which shows the variety of models. Winner of our first ‘Car of the Month’ competition was a very nice XJS belonging to Alan Vasey - it was a popular choice. There was almost standing room only in the room with 46 members in attendance (I think one of our best attendances). The region raffle for prizes donated by members (many thanks to them) raised £53 for club funds, thanks to Hazel Sutton for selling the tickets every month. The region has attended many shows since last month and in June we had our own show at the Bleeding Wolf and I will report about it in next months news. There are a lot of shows yet to attend and hopefully the good weather will stick with us! If you would like to join us at the car shows or would like to know more, join us at The Bleeding Wolf on the 3rd Tuesday of the month in Scholar Green. Now is a good time to start taking your photos for the region calendar, these should be good quality/size, please submit 1 or at the most 2 for a choice to be made at the November club night.