New Motorist Themed Venue - Ignition and Coffee - Derbyshire S42 7DA

Rachel and I called into this new motorist themed coffee bar yesterday whilst out on a run. It is situated just up the Chesterfield road from the Robin Hood (A619) just before you get to the Premier Inn. We were fairly impressed with the place, which only opened in January this year. There is a fair sized car park and the atmosphere is comfortable and there’s some automobilia dotted around to re-inforce the theme. Most of the time it’s just a drop-in, but they do host car clubs and they also promote their own themed events as follows:

16th April (Today) - Classics and Coffee

Monday 8th May - Coronation and Coffee (British Cars)

Saturday 12th May - Dolce Vita (Italian Cars)

They also host car clubs:

Sunday 23rd April - Volvo 600 Veterans Club (Who would have thought it?)

Saturday 29th April - North West Abarth Owners Club

Sunday 14th May - Porsche Owners Club Region 15

When there’s a themed event, or a club event, the entry is £5 per car. At other times it’s free.

They also screen the F1 races.

We had coffee and cake, so I can’t vouch for the bacon sarnies but they did smell good! It was reasonably well attended when we were there, although the car park content was just so-so (my Lotus plus a few Beemers and a 911 plus some run of the mill stuff). That’s the thing though, you just never know what you will find when you turn up at places like this.

Ignition and Coffee is just the latest in a number of car themed cafe’s, much like Caffine & Machine in the Cotswolds which probably started the trend going, and is now massive both in terms of size, events and attendance. Ignition and Coffee is much smaller and in my mind a nicer venue than C&M. It is of course only just starting up and it’s local.

The best way to get a feel for it is to look at the website:

OPENING TIMES: (Subject to change - please confirm before visiting)

Fridays 2pm - 10pm (TBC)

Saturdays 9am - 4pm

Sundays 9am to 4pm

Photos: Ignition & Coffee