JEC Devon relaunch online presence with new branding

As the club introduces direct URL's for regional pages, we took the opportunity to rebrand our online elements.

With over 150 Members, a fully packed events schedule and three very well used online channels it's important to every now and then give them a little polish.

This has just happened to fall in line with the club introducing much needed friendly web addresses for the regions. Gone are the long winded domain extensions and hello to a much more interactive, and shorter address.

So with a new look, we are now able to direct people to none other than

Devon  Cat  March  April 2018  Cover

Alongside our main site we have also taken the opportunity to rebrand our Facebook Page, and Twitter account both of which get very regular traffic and are a great addition for our growing membership.

Combine this with our quarterly magazine "The Devon Cat" and we hope that we can offer both new and old members a truly unique subscription to our region.

The latest edition of The Devon Cat can be read by clicking here, and we do need to say thank you to the South West Wales Region for hosting it online for us.

To find out more why not like ourFacebook Page by clicking here, follow us on Twitter here and take a look at the Devon Cat too.

If you would like to to visit us in person then please do so, just click here to view our forthcoming events, choose your favourite car and come along and say hello or by clicking here.