JEC South Lincs. - September Club News

September was busy. At Mallory Park, 14 members, plus guests, watched magnificent vintage sports cars racing.

Club night involved a quiz, which elicited various amusing answers. One question ‘which is further North, Bourne or Warsaw?’ produced the unfathomable response ‘well, that depends’! Congratulations to the winning team, Jan, Dave, Lyn and Martin.

For the second consecutive month, the ‘good news’ raffle winner also drew the ‘bad news’ ticket, instantaneously gaining and losing a bottle of wine; bad luck Maxine!

Next, a group of us visited Witham Oils at Lincoln, for another fascinating presentation about the company’s impressive achievements, including the development of a cutting-edge blending system that has massively reduced energy consumption. During the factory tour we learned about The Witham Group’s other incredible energy-saving processes and its’ commitment to environmental protection. Our thanks go to MD Nigel Bottom and to Sales Executive Darren Smart for again hosting us so generously.

Several members attended the Lincolnshire Wolds Car and Bike Festival at Revesby, where we were pleased to meet other Jaguar drivers who follow our social media.

Finally, 24 members visited RAF Digby Sector Operations Room Museum. Thank you to our excellent guide, Kathy, for not only explaining the responsibilities of the base throughout WW2 and how planes were triangulated and tracked, but also for regaling us with tales about the rivalries between bomber and fighter crews. Afterwards, we ate lunch at the Royal Oak in Scopwick.

Many thanks to Peter Moss for arranging this interesting and enjoyable day out.