JEC Somerset Region AGM

JEC Somerset held their 2023 AGM at Swallows with Bridget our Secretary cutting the ribbon and opening their new workshop.

We spent a good half hour in their new workshop listening to both Gary and Colin telling us all about their fantastic facilities. Sharon brought in the Champagne to the delight of our members.

We were then treated to super beautifully cooked by Swallows Nutritionist Colin and more champagne and wine from Gary.

Our big thanks to Gary and his team for hosting our AGM and providing such a great super.

The AGM opened at 7.30 with the chairman confirming the minutes of 2022 AGM and talking through the achievements of the region.

The Chair thanked the membership for their generous contributions to the charity fund during the year.

The treasurer did his report confirming that the region was in a healthy position financially and costs had been kept to a minimum and over £1200 had been paid out to the regions charities

The secretary discussed membership, communication and detailed some provisional ideas for the 2024events calendar with many suggestions being discussed.

All the officers stood down however they were all unanimously voted back in for 2024

The meeting closed at 8.30

We then had a great social time discussing ideas for the forthcoming year