JEC Somerset May Virtual Club Night

Presentation by Barry Jensen - The E Type: Aspects of Restoration / Rebuild

Jh E Type 3
Paul E Type1
Jh E Type 1
Jh E Type 2


Our May Club night was really well attended (lots of faces on screen!)

Special thanks go to club member Barry Jenson, who gave and excellent and informative presentation supported by some amazing photos collected over his years of E Type ownership. Lots of interesting information also cropped up during the Q & A session, with many members getting some answers to resolve ongoing problems/issues they have encountered with their own cars.
To complete the evening we had a virtual "Bonnets Up"; lots of projects shared via photos on screen and a great tour of his garage by Paul. Some interesting and varied projects going on.
The meeting ended with lots of chat and banter bringing the friendly club atmosphere into our homes