The Picnic on the Hill is becoming a regular fixture on the JEC Summer calendar, and as it's only about an hour and a half away we decided to see what it was all about.
A warm welcome and very informal would be a good way to start. Chairman Mike Horlor was manning the signing on tent with a couple of others. Signing on on was very quick, and was quickly followed by a track briefing from Colin. Shortly after that the track was declared open and cars queued for their run up the hill. Well actually, you go down to the hill start point but the start itself is level, and then the fun starts! I'm not going to try and describe the track since others are better qualified to do that. However, you do drive through the farmyard (at pace, as they say) without any sight of chickens or other livestock (well, I didn't see any!).
With the spectator area being raised above the track, spectators have a fine view of most of the action. Occasional trees interfere with the view but generally it is much better than most racing circuits.
Some members brought along their 'other toys', including but not limited to a Caterham, a BMW, and MG and quite a few more!
Wandering amongst the cars whether participants or spectators is part of the attraction and hopefully the pictures below will add colour to the piece. If you haven't visited before then make a date for next year.
Thanks to all the JEC personnel who made the day possible.
Pictures: Hartley Jenkinson. Our very own Dave Attwood attended in the E Type - below