Hallo Holland

Friday, the 16th of June 2023, the German Enthusiasts organized a meeting between the German, Dutch and the UK area. Although most of our guests experienced a punctual, problem-free arrival, some had to fight their way through several traffic jams in order to join the others in s´Hertogenbosch, NL. A few participants had lost their brakes by the time of arrival and other cars began heating up significantly , but in the end everyone arrived happily.

As our highlight, we welcomed Colin Porter and Tom Robinson from the JEC UK, who drove a stunning white E-Type Convertible, owned by the Jaguar Heritage Trust. On this note we would like to express our gratitude to the Trust for sending such a lovely ambassador! In the evening, we had the opportunity to watch an intriguing presentation from Tom Robinson about „How to make the most of your Jaguar, a guide to performance upgrades.“ After enjoying a good dinner, everyone took the chance to take a closer look at the roof top bar to enjoy a drink or two and then we checked our beds.

The next morning we started by having a boat tour through s´Hertogenbosch. Because s´Hertogenbosch is an old fortress city, it‘s houses were built above the water to be able to stay within the old fortress limits. That way the boats had to be steered underneath the houses of the city which offered a lot of unique sights.

Due to the beautiful nature of Hedel, our next stop was another fortified city – Woudrichem. Here, we also parked the cars and walked around to enjoy the sights. Woudrichem is located next to the river Waal and has a delightful little harbour.

Last Stop was the fortified castle of Loevestein, which also was located next to the Waal. It is one of the most famous castles in the Netherlands and offers an impressive sight. In the close vicinity, you will find wild horses. At the end of our tour, all participants arrived back at the hotel where we had the opportunity to watch another engaging presentation from Colin Porter „JEC Track Sport – the Track inside“. We had a nice dinner with with a lot of laughter and interesting chatter and checked out the roof top bar again. The next day we were very glad to hear that all participants arrived safe and sound at their respective homes.

We would like to thank Colin Porter and Tom Robinson for being so kind to take part in our meeting and give two wonderful and interesting presentations, the Jaguar Heritage Trust for the possibility to see such a lovely E-Type live in our meeting and Mister Hendrik-Jan Thomassen for organizing this detailled, lovely tour through this area in the netherlands.

At this point we would like to invite all German members to check out the JEC Homepage. Here you will find a calendar with all dates of the different areas – if you are interested in one of these arrangements, please feel free to ask the respective chairmen if it is possible to take part in the event of interest. The JEC Germany (and I am sure the Dutch one, too) would be thrilled to welcome new guests in any future meetings!

Madeleine Hillebrand