We were concerned it may be some time to get the 'atmosphere' back at our first club night in August, after so long a break - we needn't have worried! The meeting went very well, with several new members attending. We presented our cheque to Sue from Help for Heroes and had a talk from Emma from RH Insurance. The drinks flowed, conversation was animated and - as usual - it was difficult to get people to go home at the end. By the time you read this we will have had our September meeting, where our new charity RNLI will introduce themselves.
Eleven cars elected to go to the Lavenham show, which was a friendly affair with lots of people stopping to chat. It was good to see our members back with their cars and to catch up events. With our neighbours from Thameside, JDC and the Daimler club also attending, plus lots of Jaguars on mixed club stands and private entries, it seemed that Jaguars made up 50% and 50% was everything else! The Colchester show follows on shortly, then regretfully that will be the end of the show season for this year.
There will be no big dinner dance extravaganza this year, although we have booked the Cricketers for a meal on the normal club night instead of the usual buffet, which is currently still frowned upon due to the multi-use of serving utensils. More details shortly.
Hopefully we will have a full year of activities next year, starting with our January lunch, without any lockdowns. We shall see!