Essex and Suffolk Borders - September News

News from around the region

The end of September saw the last show attendance of the year at Castle Park, Colchester. This turned out to be quite successful as Peter and Anne Pearson achieved 'Best Pre War' for their 1939 one and a half litre drophead coupe, followed by Liz Eastall winning the £50 second prize in the raffle. This was then topped by Bob and Helen winning the first prize - a junior sized mountain bike. Bob - who is only junior sized himself - proceeded to ride it round the ring, proving you never forget how to ride a bike. The bigger problem was how to get it home, with three people in a Mark 2!

Nobody has contacted me following my recent newsletter regarding the NEC show, so we can only assume that those wishing to go are happy to make their own arrangements to tie up with fellow members to spread the cost.

We will have our Christmas meal at the Cricketers at the December meeting and are looking into venues for the three Sunday lunches for January, February and March; more details soon. Shows are also being investigated for next year and dates will appear on the schedule as soon as they are confirmed.