Essex and Suffolk Borders - November News

News from our chairman and from around the region

November was an eventful month, with our visit to the Classic Car Show at the NEC going very well. We made good use of the JEC stand, securing two free coffee stops, but it did mean a few purchases were made from the merchandise rails! Sorry if one or two pens disappeared from the tables as well, but we assumed that's what they were there for.

Our Art Deco themed dinner dance in Felixstowe followed at the end of the month. Member Bob Weaver had done a superb job sorting the entertainment, together with many hours dressing the room. Everybody arrived in dinner jackets and sequins, with a few cigarette holders, spats and white silk scarves thrown in, plus a smattering of Peaky Blinders. Our regular brat pack singer Steve Dunnett was as good as ever, involving the audience and we had a singer plus a five piece band. The music and dancing followed dinner up to midnight, when we finished with 'New York' and a shower of gold glitter. A great evening and we were joined by a large contingent from our friends in Thameside.

The show attendances for 2024 are now being planned and do not forget the golf club lunches in January, February and March. Keep a look out for the events list and 'Compliments of the Season' to everyone.