Our Auction of parts, accessories, books and brochures at the April meeting was a success, and people were pleased with their purchases. A little bartering and swops went on afterwards as well, and the vendors were also pleased to have sold items they had retained for many years. It may well become an annual event. The Drive It Day event will be long gone by the time you read this, likewise the many members going off to Littlecote, but I am sure they will have been good provided the long awaited warmer weather materialised. Karen has recently sent out an updated list to members, but if you have not received anything it is probably due to us not having your signed from (and subs) due to the new data protection rules.If this is the case, do please get in touch.
There are numerous shows coming up during the busy summer period, and I would ask you to please contact the organiser well in advance if you wish to come, as places are sometimes limited. Details and contact numbers are on the schedule of events.
Lastly, we now have a new source of clothing items with the club logo or a Jaguar embroidered on the item; get in touch with Martin or Karen if you would like to order anything.
Essex and Suffolk Borders - May News
News from the region