March saw our final winter lunch at Ipswich and the April meeting featured our auction, with items ranging from headlamps to brochures, via a mural of the EiffelTower! Our (early) Drive It Day to the Ipswich Transport Museum and Shotley peninsula will have taken place by the time you read this and attention will be focused on our show at Rickinghall on 5ht May. At the time of writing we do not have final numbers for car club attendances, but the hall is well booked for the 20 tables at the Craft Fair, and Suffolk Sportscars have confirmed they are coming. Readers of this publication will know the Birds Eye View page featuring Lorraine and Bruce, and I am pleased to advise you they have accepted my invitation to attend.
Our charity this year is Help for Heroes and Jean and I were fortunate to have a tour of the excellent facility they have established near the barracks in Colchester. The purpose built centre runs courses for servicemen and women invalided out of their jobs, through physical, mental problems or both. The youngest they have helped is 17 and the oldest 97. Thought provoking talks were given by a serving army officer and a beneficiary who had suffered a suicide bomber driving into his vehicle in Helmund province.
Our activities list is full of shows to attend this summer, so do please get in contact with the person given to book places if you have not yet done so. A warm welcome to our new members and I hope you enjoy using your cars on JEC events with the region.
Outside the Help for Heroes building, Colchester