Essex and Suffolk Borders - March News

News about the region and events

The AGM in February went off without a hitch and members in attendance paid their subscription of £15 and completed a form for the Data Protection Act changes. New rules mean that we need to hold your confirmation that we can send e-mail updates to you after the meetings and many people have appreciated this new initiative. Consequently it is particularly important, please, that you contact Karen and confirm your membership if you were not at the AGM, as otherwise we will be unable to send the news sheets.

By the time the magazine is published, we will have had our three monthly lunches, the Colchester Zoo visit and Spring should be here.

The visit to the whiskey distillery on Drive It Day (Sunday 22 April) is the first outing in the Jaguars and many members will be heading to Littlecote and Bath at the end of the month.

There is a good variety of events to attend on the Events List so please register you interest to attend with the person shown. The 8th July show - with venue TBA - is not proceeding this year, but may well go ahead next year.

Hopefully we will have a good summer to enjoy the various events and the more you come to the more you will get out of the club.

Please contact a committee member if you need any help.