Essex and Suffolk Borders July News

From the Isle of Man to a BBQ in Essex

Needless to say, July was very busy for the club. It started off with 10 Jaguars heading to the Isle of Man on a Scenic and Continental Tours trip organised by Gordon Lawrence. The trip up involved queues of biblical proportions never encountered before – try two hours to the mile at one point – but the temperature gauge on my XJ8 remained rock steady, unlike the fuel gauge. However the trip was a great success, the hotel was super, and we had arranged to have dinner there as a group each night for the 20 of us, so a great time was had by all. We visited a new Motor Museum, and were shown round by the owner. The weather was hardly ‘Summery’ but it didn’t seem to matter too much.

Then on 7th July, six members went to RAF Honington to provide a backdrop of 1960s vehicles for their Officers’ Summer Ball. This involved 3 E Types and 3 Mark 2s, where the cars generated a huge amount of interest from the young officers. The questions and comments were far more numerous than normal car shows, and many had pictures taken in full evening dress uniform with the cars. The Squadron Leader had been let down by a London bus that was meant to attend, so was particularly grateful that we turned up as arranged. The nibbles, drinks and free ice creams probably helped, and we have received a Regimental Shield by way of a ‘thank you’. We are hoping they may invite any age car back again some time so a larger number can go.

Next up was Weeting, a three day Steam Show near Thetford. It would be hard to think of anywhere else where you could see a line up of about 30 full size traction engines and rollers, together with ploughing, tractors and heavy horses. Most only went for one day, although some had made more of a weekend of it. The cars are not the main focus of the show, but there was a good selection to look at. The new shelter was well used, however, as the rain hammered down on occasions prompting comments that we ought to get a second one!

Towards the end of the month 26 members booked in for the annual BBQ courtesy of Clive and Margarett Gowers. All had a good time, but the rain came down again most of the day to put a slight damper on things.
We have Helmingham to look forward to next – new members, do please get in touch if you would like to join us.

Geoff Short, Chairman.