Our third monthly lunch - at Felixstowe - will have taken place by the time you read this and also our AGM at the March meeting. Nobody is standing down, nobody has applied to join the committee and the finances are in good shape so we have not got much to worry about and we carry on for another year. Membership renewal is due for those yet to do so, with subs held at £15.
If members who may consider themselves 'occasional ' or even 'lapsed' wonder why they are not getting emails or schedules of events, the Data Protection regulations are pretty strict nowadays and we need to get a form signed annually. Please contact Geoff or Karen if this applies to you - we would love to hear from you.
Our Drive It Day event will be to Snape Maltings this year, on 27 April from 10.00, which is a lovely setting by the river, and please note that the May meeting will be on Tuesday 6 as the Monday is a Bank Holiday. Finally we are finding it increasingly difficult to find speakers for meetings, and if you have any contacts we will be pleased to hear your suggestions. Many thanks.
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