Essex and Suffolk Borders - December News

News from around the region

Our Christmas dinner in early December was a success, and we welcomed Cathie from JEC Head Office in Bristol. She had managed to find us OK in what was her first foray into East Anglia and she said she would come back to explore the scenery. As I write this now at the end of December, Christmas has come and gone and we are now in that limbo period counting down to 2022. Our planned Sunday lunch is still on the cards for January 16, which will either go ahead at a loss due to lower participants than planned, or be cancelled entirely by New Year Covid restrictions if they are brought in - this seems more and more likely. We were obviously in this position at Christmas last year, hoping that 2021 would be better than 2020, and 2022 looks set to continue the theme. I hope that our regular monthly meets can continue, but we will keep you advised. The February meeting should be the AGM at The Cricketers.

Plans are continuing for the Rickinghall car show and craft fair on 22 May, by which time any lockdown in the Spring should be over. I will now try to resume talks with Banham Zoo - who did not want contact until the new year - to arrange a special visit with lunch for the Spring, also.

As always, if you have any ideas or questions, do get in touch, and all the committee join me in wishing our members a happy and healthy New Year.