Essex and Suffolk Borders - April News

News from the region

As I write this in mid March, we can only hope the temperatures will improve soon and we will be out and about with the tops down! Our final lunch of the three new year events will have taken place, the next event being the visit to Colchester zoo, who were one of our speakers last year. At the March meeting we presented a cheque to Guide Dogs for £417 and our speaker was a new member talking about engine remapping. April will see a fun auction of car related memorabilia and the Drive It Day trip to the English Whisky Distillery and subsequent lunch. I am sure the lunch will taste better with a couple of nips of whisky beforehand, but I won't be able to supply any pictorial evidence before July!

We are considering if there are enough takers to run our customary coach to the NEC show in November, as several members think they will go for a couple of days and stay away overnight.Would you therefore please contact Geoff if you want to go and we will be asking for names at club nights. I am pleased to advise you that our June club night will include a talk from Patch Jobson, a new JEC officer tasked with looking after the Regions and he will be explaining his new role and getting a taste of what goes on in each area.

Finally, names are also being taken for the annual Dinner Dance in November, which promises to be better than ever, so please contact a committee member if you wish to come.

We only have a short time to contact members who have not renewed this year prior to becoming subject to the new data protection rules, so please contact us if we have not contacted you!