Derbyshire Region Update April 2021

Your Committee has not forgotten you...

Geoff, Roger, Phil and Hartley met recently (socially distanced, and outdoors of course!) to catch up and review what plans we have for 2021. We still aim to have the July meeting on 13th, which is the earliest we will be allowed, hopefully at The Devonshire. Geoff reports that works are afoot at The Devonshire, and he hopes to make contact soon as they have been closed recently (along with all hospitality venues. We also hope to have a lunch at Biggin Hall - date to be confirmed.

Roger will be emailing all with the plans when we can confirm with the venues.

On a lighter note, as we planned to gather at Carsington Water for our open air discussion, Geoff asked me to come along in my new Lotus, as he hadn't seen it since I acquired it. As you can see from the picture, Geoff looks very happy ensconced in the passenger seat! Perhaps ANgela will allow him to buy another car this year....

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