Sadly, we have lost another JEC member, Peter Twyford, who died following a stroke from which he never regained consciousness. He was a long-standing member of the group, and we enjoyed seeing his various cars over the years. He had an E Type/ Mark 10/ XK 120 Drophead/ XJS/ V12 XJ Saloon and 3 Range Rover’s, together with a huge range of spares, all of which will be sorted and sold. Our condolences to Mark, his son, and the family.
Following on from Nidd a number of members went to the Blackpool event and the reports were pretty good, although some mentioned the displays were spread out over quite a large area, so it was difficult the see everything.
Our last two monthly meetings have been well attended even though we had no specific agendas and for November and the first quarter of 2023 we will revert to lunchtime meetings at the Robin Hood. Reminders will be sent in advance, as before.
In early October 14 of us went to the Lake District for 2 nights and had a great time. The weather was wet, as expected, it rained most of the time, but we had a dramatic drive through the Honistor Pass in the pouring rain, with debris in the road and water streaming off the mountains. Quite spectacular and thanks to Mike and Julie Overend for organising this.
In late October 25 of us lunched at Carsington Water and were looked after very well, as usual. It’s a great venue and well worth a visit.
In December we have lunch booked at Biggin Hall on Sunday 18th, the menu has been circulated, so please let me know if you are coming.
Footnote: Hartley and Nigel (together with Sue and Rachel) stopped at The Carding Shed on the way up to Grasmere, and two of the photo's below show some of the Jaguars in their workshop awaiting restoration/repairs. The final photo is of some sheep in the car park at a coffee stop. They are not, as far as we are aware, members of the JEC!