Derbyshire Region - Report for February 2023

Roger's Report for February which will appear in the March issue of the JEC Magazine

A quiet month as we get ready for Spring and the start of the motoring season!

We had around 24 attending the February monthly meeting, which was again at lunchtime, and we will revert to evenings from April when it will also be our AGM. If any of you have items you want to bring up or are interested in joining the committee please let one of us know. Phil Cheetham has decided to step down due to time pressures, so we would welcome some support with organisation if you feel you can contribute. Simple things like doing this report for the magazine or collecting subscriptions at the meetings all help.

The programme for the year is almost complete but we are still looking for a venue for a lunch in late May/early June and I have tried The Crescent in Buxton and Thornbridge Hall but both don’t really fit the bill. The Crescent won’t let us park outside, even over a few hours for lunch, so I am sure none of you want to use the public car parks! Thornbridge looked promising but they wanted too much for a lunch so we continue to search. Joan and I had lunch with Barrie at the Grouse and Claret in Rowsley a few weeks ago to see what that was like, but again it was not suitable in our opinion. It should be, but they obviously have staff and service problems, as, when we visited, they had no scampi/garden peas or lamb shank and this was a Tuesday! Barrie even offered to nip down to the local Co-op and get a few tins of peas for them!! So if any of you know a good pub who will cater for around 30 for a mid-week or Sunday lunch then let us know.

Next meeting is at The Robin Hood on Tuesday 14th March from 12.00.