Derbyshire Region - Monthly Report for August 2024

This is Roger's report for August which will appear in the JEC magazine in October

This month we managed to have our “Run Out” after delaying it on a few occasions due to the weather. Initially things didn’t look good but as it turned out we had a fine evening and an excellent number did the run through the beautiful Derbyshire countryside before returning to the Robin Hood for something to eat. We also welcomed new members Andrew Fearn and Michael Derbyshire with Laura Slack and hope to see you at some of our future events. In total we had 49 at the meeting which is probably our best to date so thank you all for supporting the group and making it the success that it is.

Looking ahead we have our trip to the Ribble Valley in Lancashire in early October with 13 cars and 26 people booked and I think those going will enjoy the few days and the run out through some lovely scenery and interesting place to visit.

Hartley informs me the visit to North Yorkshire in April next year is now fully booked and we are now looking for a venue for our Autumn outing in 2025 so if you are interested in organising or going on this get your names down ASAP.

It will soon be December and our Christmas lunch at Biggin Hall and as soon as I have the menu it will be sent out. We have booked for 40/50 and I will be starting a list at our next meeting.

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