We had a good turn out this month of 43 for our AGM where we agreed our programme for the year and concluded a few other pieces of business. Phil Cheetham has stepped down from the Committee, and we thank him for all his work during his time and he will still remain active in the club and has offered help out when required. The current committee consists of Geoff Fox, Roger Wood, Hartley Jenkinson, Nigel Mitchell and Mike Overend.
Later in the month a group of us went to North Wales for a couple of nights staying at the Quay Hotel in Deganwy, which was excellent. Nigel and Hartley had organised a run out for us on the Wednesday, mainly on “A” and “B” roads, of about 150 miles, and also organised the weather, as those with Convertibles had their tops down for the whole day, which for Wales and late April can’t be bad. I also have to say the roads appeared in a lot better condition than those in England! Thanks to you both, and your good ladies for organising this trip and a full report with photos is on our Regional page on the JEC Website. I should also add there is a lot more information and reports there to read, as Hartley keeps this up to date, so please do take a look as I think you might be surprised.
We have another trip in June to the Imperial War Museum at Duxford and currently have 5 couples booked. We would like more, and this is an amazing place and well worth a visit. The dates are Tuesday 20th to Thursday 22nd June staying at the Lodge, Duxford and visiting the Museum on Wednesday and returning Thursday.