Baslow is a small village within the Peak District, near Chatsworth House, and has had a village car show for quite a few years. Reputation has it that many fine vehicles arrive to be shown each year. We decided to check it out.
Unfortunately, someone had forgotten to put a request in for some decent weather. This was a shame because it undoubtably restricted both exhibitors and visitors. Although the photo's show some blue sky, there were some heavy showers around at times, especially in the early part of the afternoon. When it cleared up it was quite pleasant.
Amongst the cars present were Bentley's, a Morgan Aero 8, Rolls Royce, a brace of Triumph TR's, a Lotus Elan and at least one Ferrari. Not bad for a village event at the cricket club! Apparently they had 72 classics turn up but inevitably there were abstentions due to the weather.
The region managed a decent turn out, even if some did come along in their 'other car' (which is supposed to be the theme of our next regional meeting, weather permitting!). Some even took a picnic, although Geoff noticed when doing the rounds that this mainly consisted of liquid refreshments (!).
Hopefully next year will see better weather and a more complete turnout. We intend to have this event on the calendar for next year.
Photo's courtesy of Mike Overend and Geoff Fox. Thanks are also due to Mrs Fox for remembering to take the camera (phone).
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