SSL certificate and payment gateway
You may be currently experiencing problems with the website including the shop and joining/renew sections. This is due to a number of issues leading to a oversight in our management of the website.
We are currently working to resolve this matter and update the systems we have in place to prevent this happening in the future.
Once the certificate issue has been resolved you will also notice that we have changed our payment provider from PayPal to Cardstream. This is a more secure and flexible payment system for the Club and also greatly reduces the costs currently incurred by the Clubs present payment gateway.
Please accept our most sincere apologise as we resolve this matter and re-asses our web management practices.
Update 09.10.2015
The SSL certificate issue has now been resolved and everything should be viewing as per normal. In addition to the certificate we have introduced a new payment gateway using the services provided by Cardstream. This has been tested on a live test environment, but should you encounter any issues using this payment system it is important you inform us to make sure we can resolve them.
You can do his by emailing: [email protected]
James Blackwell, Assistant General Manager